Motherbeing launches sexual and reproductive health app for women in MENA
10,000 active users in the first week
Egypt-based Motherbeing has launched a first of its kind app to provides women with a secure, private platform for sexual and reproductive health support.
Daleela’s AI-powered women’s health assistant app gives women access to reliable, culturally sensitive information and personalised support. It has launched to 10,000 active users in its first week alone.
Founder Nour Emam said:
“Daleela” is everything I envisioned for the future of personal women’s health assistance and more.
“It’s just so exciting to see the possibilities and our plans with our one-of-a-kind AI model slowly rolling out. Today, Daleela is your best friend/expert on women’s sexual and reproductive health, can give you content recommendations and very soon diagnostics.”
Daleela includes expert-curated content, tailored guidance from the app’s AI assistant and access to a safe, judgement-free space to ask questions.
Motherbeing provides healthcare solutions specifically for Arab women in the MENA region. It originally launched with easily accessible digital content before opening a women’s health clinic in Cairo in 2023.