
Thanks for stopping by.

Each week, FutureFemHealth is here to bring you a round-up of news, insights and inspiration from the world of women’s health innovation and FemTech.

We usually start with a deep dive or two into the most important news stories of the week, followed by short summaries of the top funding news, FemTech happenings and policy & Government updates too. I share global stories, but usually with a UK perspective.

If you work in FemTech or women’s health you’ll also find 2-3 resources in every issue that I’ve come across throughout the week.

And finally, each issue includes my favourite ‘campaign of the week’ from a brand, start-up, charity or organisation that’s doing fun stuff, amplifying women’s health and/or helping to close the gender health gap.

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So, who is this ‘FutureFemHealth’?!

It’s me! I’m Anna - a FemTech obsessive, trained journalist, with a background of nearly 20 years in communications and marketing.

My eyes were opened to the urgent need to fill gaps in healthcare when I began working with a menopause education platform in 2020. I saw first-hand the heartbreaking, devastating impact that the gender health gap is having on women.

I’m also an IVF-mum of two who has tried and tested more than her fair share of healthtech over the years.

I created FutureFemHealth in 2023 with a mission to amplify women’s health innovation and FemTech and make it impossible to ignore!

Get in touch with your stories and news

I’d love to hear from founders, service providers and FemTech fans with any news and stories you’d like to share for the newsletter. Drop me an email: anna@futurefemhealth.com

Come and say hi!

You can also connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. Chat soon!


Subscribe to FutureFemHealth

The newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on women's health innovation and FemTech. Subscribe for funding & investment updates, trends, new innovations, founder stories and more.


Hi, I'm Anna. I write about innovation in women’s health and FemTech.