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FutureFemHealth is now accepting applications for our first sponsors in 2024.

We are a fast-growing, independent media platform covering the business of women’s health innovation and FemTech.

Joining us as an early supporter provides an opportunity to be part of the journey as we grow our already highly-engaged community of founders, investors, executives and job seekers.

Who reads FutureFemHealth?

FutureFemHealth is still somewhat a ‘baby’ having launched in mid-2023. Our current readership comprises over 1,000 executives working in women’s health, founders, investors, medical experts, aspiring women’s health professionals and sector suppliers. 

We are proud to have a highly-engaged community with an open rate on our newsletter that is consistently over 60% and a click-through rate regularly averaging 12-15% or higher.

“I love your content and read your newsletter every week. Thanks for getting in one place all the great news about women’s health.” - Managing Director of women’s health startup.

In 2024 we expect considerable growth in the newsletter (and will be able to grow faster with the support of sponsors!).

What do we cover? 

Each week we share our weekly newsletter to all of our subscribers. Our website hosts further stories too. The content we cover includes:

  • Funding and investment news

  • News analysis, trends and insights

  • Product announcements

  • Founder stories, wins, lessons learnt

  • Women’s health research developments

  • Government and policy updates

  • Inspiring campaigns 

  • Resources to help founders and start-ups succeed

  • Latest jobs in women’s health and FemTech

Partnership and sponsorship opportunities

Your support as a sponsor will mean that we can create more original content in 2024 and share more stories about innovation in women’s health and FemTech.

We offer a number of opportunities to showcase your brand or expertise to our community. This includes:

  • Newsletter sponsorship 

  • Brand content partnerships

  • Website advertising 

  • Event sponsorship

Please contact to discuss applying to work with FutureFemHealth in 2024. Thank you for your support.